Exchange Server 2021 ist angekündigt

Gestern Nacht bzw. heute Morgen hat Microsoft den Exchange Server 2021 auf der Ignite für das zweite Halbjahr 2021 angekündigt.

Der entsprechenden Beitrag vom Microsoft Exchange Team Blog findet sich hier:

The Next Version of Exchange Server
The next version of Exchange Server will support in-place upgrades from Exchange Server 2019 for a period of approximately two years following release. This feature will allow the admin to easily upgrade existing servers running Exchange Server 2019 to the subscription-based codebase without needing to add servers or move mailboxes.
The next version of Exchange Server will continue to support side by side deployment and migration from earlier versions of Exchange as has been the case over the last few releases but we have increased the number of versions it can be installed alongside. Customers with Exchange Server 2013, 2016 or 2019 can install the next version of Exchange Server into their existing Exchange Organization.
We highly recommended that customers with existing Exchange Server 2013 or 2016 deployments and who expect to keep on-premises servers in the future should start planning and installing Exchange Server 2019 today. Once the next version of Exchange is released, they will then be able to perform an in-place upgrade to that version, making the move to 2019 the last major upgrade they will ever need to do.
You can get more information on this announcement by watching the Exchange – Here, There and Everywhere on-demand session here. We will have more details on this change over the coming months.

Was sind die – für mich – spannendsten Neuerungen der Microsoft Ignite bis lang:

Hier gibt es noch eine Übersicht über „Exchange Online Admin News at Microsoft Ignite 2020“ und hier ist die On-Demand Session auf Youtube:

Exchange – Here, There and Everywhere auf Youtube

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Eine Antwort zu „Exchange Server 2021 ist angekündigt“

  1. […] hat Microsoft „Plus Addressing“ – wie auf der Ignite angekündigt – in Exchange online für Postfächer freigegeben. Der Support für Verteilerlisten und […]

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