Gestern hat Microsoft „Plus Addressing“ – wie auf der Ignite angekündigt – in Exchange online für Postfächer freigegeben. Der Support für Verteilerlisten und -gruppen soll noch im Dezember diesen Jahres folgen.
Plus Adressing kann nur per PowerShell aktiviert werden und gilt Exchange-Organisationsweit. Das CMDlet der Wahl ist daher „Set-OrganizationConfig“ mit dem Parameter „-AllowPlusAddressInRecipients $true“.
Set-OrganizationConfig -AllowPlusAddressInRecipients $true
Etwas Hintergrund und ein Beispiel zum Thema direkt von Microsoft:
From September 2020, plus addressing, also known as subaddressing, is available in Exchange Online. Subaddressing is defined as a way to support dynamic, disposable recipient (not sender) email addresses for mailboxes.
An SMTP email address uses the basic syntax: @. For example, sean@contoso.com.
Plus addressing uses the syntax: +@. For example, sean+newsletter@contoso.com.
The original email address must be valid; the +tag value that you add is arbitrary, although regular character restrictions for SMTP email addresses apply (for example, no spaces). For more information about using plus addresses, see Using plus addresses.
Plus addressing is available in Outlook. By default, plus addressing support is disabled in Exchange Online. Since Exchange Online has always supported regular email addresses that already contain the plus sign, if you enable plus addressing, these email addresses might stop working.
You can’t enable plus addressing in the Exchange admin center (EAC); you can only enable it through Exchange Online PowerShell. If your organization’s emails are routed through Exchange Online to your on-premises servers, mailboxes hosted on-premises will also be able to use plus addresses.
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