Soeben hat Microsoft das Exchange Server 2019 CU 2023 H1 veröffentlicht. Die – wie ich finde – beste Neuerung ist der Support von Modern Auth in reinen On-Premises Umgebungen (mit kleinen Abstrichen). Dazu später (hoffentlich) mehr!
With the 2023 H1 CU and the required Outlook version (please see documentation), we have added Modern auth support to Outlook on Windows for authentication against Exchange 2019 using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) as the on-premises security token service (STS). This enables you to use stronger authentication features like MFA, smart cards and cert-based auth, and third-party security identity providers. While the direct use of a 3rd party identity provider as an STS is not supported, it can be used in conjunction with ADFS.
Released: 2023 H1 Cumulative Update for Exchange Server – Microsoft Community Hub
Moreover, while CU13 is only for Exchange Server 2019, customers who have backend servers running Exchange Server 2016 CU23 are also supported for Modern auth (provided Exchange Server 2019 CU13 exists and is front ending the client traffic in the environment, and the correct Outlook version is in use).
Hier schonmal der Link, um die Modern Auth in Exchange 2019 On-Premises zu aktivieren: Enable Modern Auth in Exchange Server on-premises | Microsoft Learn
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